Las Vegas Property Management Concerns

property management concerns


Las Vegas Property Management Concerns


When you decide to rent as opposed to buying a property you may wonder what your rights are.

This seems a little contrived but believe it or not there is a whole industry that caters to the legalities of rental properties and all the implications.

The fact is that a rental tenant has the same rights as a homeowner under local laws.

The law, when it comes to excessive noise for example, is the same wherever you go. Disturbing the peace is not appropriate in any neighborhood or setting.

property management concerns

Always remember also, that sometimes it’s not necessary to solve the problems yourself when it comes to certain circumstances. your landlord may be required to help you.

There is a stipulation called “quiet enjoyment” that is in most lease agreements. This stip may entitle you to getting specific assistance by your landlord.

A lot of the time this is a clause that is included in the lease and entitles you to quiet enjoyment of the property that you are renting.

When a neighbor is troublesome and noisy, decides to park in your assigned spot, that’s a or block access to your driveway or to your apartment, holds late loud parties etc. these are transgressions against your rights.

Sometimes it’s smart to get your landlord’s help to solve these problems. First, your landlord may know the homeowner or know the renters or may have resolved similar problems in the past.

It also will help so that you personally are not the one aggravating or ruining a relationship with your neighbor, so having your landlord be the intermediary what also be smart on those grounds.

If your landlord decides to not help or flat-out refuses assistance (maybe they are the landlord of several properties near you or of an apartment or whatever) you could legally be able to break your lease.

This would also free you from any liabilities you may incur ,like rent, may not be owed for the rest of the lease.

You could also contact your neighbor’s landlord for help sometimes. If your neighbor is a renter they also have a landlord and you can consider contacting them to get relief from the disturbing behavior mentioned above.

property management concerns

Depending where you live there may be a legal responsibility that your landlord or the landlord of another property must take care of their tenants in lieu of calling the police.

That leaves discussion open for another option which is calling the police about a troublesome neighbor.

Now, we do not promote calling police on your neighbors, what we do encourage is keeping the peace and doing it respectfully and lawfully.

Sometimes a neighbor could be so Troublesome that it warrants calling please so in these cases law enforcement will definitely be a good intermediary and should be called when your neighbor is aggressive or persistently transgressive.

Always keep in mind there are landlord tenant lawyers that can help you because there is a lot of law surrounding rental properties and a lot of law that specifies behaviors and different code restrictions that are put upon renters and landlords alike.

las vegas property management

Some of the questions that you may ask her attorney are what are your options according to taking care of a troublesome neighbor, besides moving out. Also, you can always ask about laws pertaining to specific behaviors like blocking entrance ways fire hazards etc etc

The post Las Vegas Property Management Concerns appeared first on IMS Realty, LLC & Property Management.



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